For a season, I have felt like the windows of heaven have been shut. My whole life I have always received tender mercies that have helped me to know that God knows what is going on. It has been a while since that has happened. Whenever I am doing something or going toward something, God has showed me that it is good. Things just sort of work out and people "just pop up" to help me get to where I should be going. I did not feel this for quite a while actually and I started to wonder why. But the windows opened back up...after a long night of darkness.
My whole life I have been blessed and prospered and the Lord has truly given me strength beyond my own. Not only that, but he has also given me little whisperings of His love and approval and has helped me along with encouragement. Sometimes through other people, sometimes through the scriptures, sometimes through the Spirit while listening to inspiring music, sometimes while I am praying, often through his servants in my wards and stakes, and (very rarely) directly through one of his special witnesses to me.
"Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?" (D&C 6:23).
Satan can't fake peace. Neither can he provide inspiration that is like pure intelligence flowing unto you. Nor can he orchestrate events like the one that happened today - to let you know that God still cares about you and what you are up to, and He is VERY intent on you succeeding and being aggressive about something He wants you to do to bless more of His children. I absolutely know this. I already knew it, but today it was as if He was saying "Um, Andy, it's time to stop letting false voices influence your life and it is time to use the gifts and talents I have blessed you with. I have prepared you for this. No matter may be going on right now, it is time for this to happen. Do it now. Stop worrying about what other people may or may not think about you because all that matters is what I think about you. No matter how much others may want you to fail, I want you to succeed. Here is how..."
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